Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Helaman Halls RHA--Best Council Ever

My job this semester, is pretty much the best job ever :) I am the "Student Coordinator for Helaman Halls Residence Halls Association" but pretty much that is just code for "have a ton of fun and get paid for it". haha.

There are a few different parts to my job, but pretty much I meet with a lovely bunch of individuals (BYU freshman who live in Helaman Halls) and listen to them while they plan various activities for their fellow Helaman-citizens.

Last weekend I accompanied these fine freshman to a Leadership Training/Retreat where they learned what exactly it means to be a member of Residence Halls Association.

As part of this fun-filled weekend, we performed a role-call. The idea my council had was to change the words to the song Army of Helaman/We'll Bring the World His Truth. This is how we sang the song:

We have been fed as never before
with Dining Plus and Open Door,

We will be king of Freshman 15,
avoid our studies and eat ice cream..
(do do do do)

We are all the council of Helaman,
we will rise up to the test,
and we will lead the Lord's Chosen Freshman
to make this year the best!

Bias aside, our role call was the best ;) I'm excited for the rest of this semester with all of these lovely people:

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